Qt IOC Container 3.5


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "PropertyMapParser.h"
00002 #include "PropertyParser.h"
00003 #include "exception/XmlParseException.h"
00005 #include <QtXml/QDomDocument>
00006 #include <QtXml/QDomNode>
00007 #include <QString>
00008 #include <QHash>
00009 #include <QtPlugin>
00011 using namespace qic;
00013 QVariant
00014 PropertyMapParser::parseProperty (const QDomNode & prop, QHash <QString, QObject *> & parser_map)
00015 {
00016   QDomElement e = prop.toElement();
00017   if (e.tagName() == "map")
00018   {
00019     QMap<QString, QVariant> map;
00020     for(QDomNode mn = e.firstChild(); !mn.isNull(); mn= mn.nextSibling())
00021     {
00022       QDomElement me = mn.toElement();
00023       if (me.tagName() == "entry")
00024       {
00025         QString key;
00026         QVariant val;
00027         for(QDomNode en = me.firstChild(); !en.isNull(); en= en.nextSibling())
00028         {
00029           QDomElement ee = en.toElement();
00030           if (ee.tagName() == "key")
00031           {
00032             key = ee.text();
00033           }
00034           else if (parser_map.contains(ee.tagName()))
00035           {
00036             QObject * parser_obj = parser_map[ee.tagName()];
00037             PropertyParser * parser = qobject_cast<PropertyParser *>(parser_obj);
00038             val = parser->parseProperty(en, parser_map);
00039           }
00040           else
00041           {
00042             throw XmlParseException (QString("No parser defined for %1.").arg(ee.tagName()));
00043           }
00044         }
00045         map.insert(key, val);
00046       }
00047       else
00048       {
00049         throw XmlParseException (QString("Expecting entry, %1 encountered.").arg(me.tagName()));
00050       }
00051     }
00052     return QVariant(map);
00053   }
00054   else
00055   {
00056     throw XmlParseException (QString("Expecting map, %1 encountered.").arg(e.tagName()));
00057   }
00058 }
00060 Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(map_parser, PropertyMapParser)